The Best Legal Blogs for Attorneys in 2024


Routinely captivating with educational, provocative legal blogs is one of the most outstanding ways of keeping steady over industry news, arising legal patterns, developments in innovation Attorneys, and that’s just the beginning. As a legal counselor, you have a great deal of decision with regards to regulation blogs. What you might not have is a great deal of time to track down the best ones. We’re here to help.

Beneath, you’ll track down the best legal blogs to peruse in 2021, covering different practice regions and subjects of interest.

The best legal blogs focusing on technology The Clio Blog Lawsites Legal IT Insider Law Technology Today Artificial Lawyer
The best general legal blogs ​​Above the Law LexBlog FindLaw Legal Blogs Legal Mosaic
The best legal blogs for news and current events SCOTUSblog JURIST JDSupra JD Journal
Legal blogs with a focus on ethics Law360 The Ethical Investigator

The best legal blogs focusing on technology

Innovation keeps on upsetting the legal business. Legaltech arrangements help law offices and solo attorneys enhance all that from case updates and client the board to legal charging and installments. These progressions are potential because of cloud programming and (Attorneys)  consistent application incorporations planned definitively for legal experts.

In any case, innovation changes rapidly. Consequently, it’s basic to remain in the loop about tech-related legal news. Coming up next are the best legal blogs with a tech center.

The Clio Blog

Clio’s cloud-based legal practice the executives programming assists legal experts with running their organizations, arrange cases, and team up with clients, all from one focal area. The Clio Blog is a confided in asset for the most recent thoughts on running a more productive, beneficial law office.

What makes it extraordinary: Our legal blog proposes inventive suggestions and new answers for age-old impediments. You’ll track down extraordinary learns about disturbing the customary approach to carrying on with work, including present day promoting best practices and how running a client-focused firm can help you, your groups, and obviously, your clients.


lawsites logo

Lawsites describes itself as a legal blog focused on tracking technology and innovation for the legal profession, and it does precisely that. Content ranges from business resources for lawyers to reporting on impactful acquisitions. Lawsites also hosts a weekly podcast, Lawnext.

What makes it unique: The brains behind the Lawsites legal blog, Robert Ambrogi, is a legal counselor, writer, and media expert. He’s notable and exceptionally respected in the legal business. His regarded profession and (Attorneys) experience illuminate his inclusion regarding all things affecting the legaltech world.

Legal IT Insider

In the event that you’re in the realm of legal IT, this regulation blog is for you. Known as legal IT’s driving news source, Legal IT Insider is an all inclusive resource for significant updates, news, and profound jumps into the unchartered waters of legal IT.

What makes it novel: Legal IT Insider’s Proofreader in-Boss is Previous City Specialist Caroline Slope, and the site’s articles benefit from her rehearsed eye. Legal IT Insider’s revealing is dependable and exact to the lawyer experience.

Law Technology Today

Regulation Innovation Today sets you up for later by covering mechanization, remote work in the legal field, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. They significantly offer a particular blog segment for security, incorporating a top to bottom glance at NFTs.

What makes it unique: Their weighty hitting arrangement of elite player patrons guarantees revealing comes according to differing viewpoints in a variety of legal disciplines, from business and advertising to programming.

Artificial Lawyer

At their center, Counterfeit Legal advisor is given to aiding legal experts improve and upgrade their cycles through innovation. Their articles offer thorough legaltech gathering inclusion, item walkthroughs, from there, the sky is the limit.

What makes it unique: Their legaltech training guide can’t be bested. With a heap of accessible (Attorneys) worldwide course contributions, all legal experts can track down a learning an open door here.


How do I make sure my blog is legal?

Five legal tips every blogger should follow to get legit legally
  1. Pick an incredible blog name + ensure it’s not taken (Reward: Safeguard it with a brand name enlistment) …
  2. Utilize the right legal site records, disclaimers, and revelations….
  3. Set up strong agreements with supports, colleagues, project workers, and sellers.

What is the biggest complaint about lawyers?

Most clients’ essential grievance about law offices and legal counselors is an absence of correspondence. They frequently have an ignorant outlook on the advancement of their case, leaving them out of the loop.

Does a blog need to be registered?

It depends. You don’t have to make a LLC immediately; you could take a stab at publishing content to a blog as a “sole owner” (the default status for a business in the event that you don’t officially make a different organization).

Do blogs need to be copyrighted?

Making blog content requires a ton of exertion and innovativeness. Shielding your work from unapproved republishing is significant. While the U.S. Copyright Act offers some government security, copyright (Attorneys) enlistment is fundamental to implement your freedoms in court.


Provided that this is true, how would we approach doing this in California? In California, as in different states, it is feasible to sue a legal counselor for legal misbehavior or carelessness if their offense or inability to skillfully address you brought about hurt, for example, losing your case.

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